Salt Solutions relieved at SAP AMS
Supports all SAP solutions
The SAP Support homepage is a platform for the in-house information exchange on SAP reporting. Knowledgeable information related to SAP is presented centrally on this homepage. In addition to the training documents and SAP Online Help and SAP News, account management information such as technical support forms and contacts will also be provided.
Running an IT infrastructure is complex. This makes it all the more important that you have a partner at your side who will help you with experience, know-how and the appropriate solutions.
SAP defined project team
With SAP ONE Support, SAP introduces a new support programme that covers all products and solutions. With SAP ONE Support, the provider provides a central access point independent of technology, deployment method or SAP solution. Thus, all business process scenarios can be covered by a unified support. According to SAP, this includes support for business-critical processes.
You can decide for yourself what kind of company you want from us. Choose the Success Extensions you need to create the experience you want and succeed in the cloud.
A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.
As a business grows, ERP software, the centre of all business processes, grows automatically.
From 2020, Focused Build and Focused Insights will be available to all customers under their maintenance agreement - without any additional licencing costs.