SAP Application Management
Optional in addition to Essential, including SAP Preferred Success:
If you encounter error messages, such as SAP transaction errors or other problems related to the use of SAP systems, our SAP support staff will be happy to help you quickly. Our SAP support team is available to your employees at any time. Our SAP Enterprise Support will relieve your SAP employees. In addition, our ticketing system allows you to view the current status of the feedback and troubleshooting processes at any time, so you know when your problem will be fixed - clearly defined by our SLAs.
Of course: The full functionality of SAP Landscape Management and ALM is only possible with SAP Solution Manager. And tools such as the Maintenance Planner and the Early Watch Alert (EWA) require up-to-date landscape data - if not provided by an SAP Solution Manager, then manually transmitted in an emergency.
Long experience
Next, you will work with a consultant to determine support levels, hourly service windows, and maximum response times (SLAs). In this way, it is you who design our offer to tailor it entirely to your company, not the other way around.
As the leading IT house and number one in the German-speaking SAP market, we stand for comprehensive digitalisation in the middle class. It goes without saying that we offer our customers highly professional support services and SAP support in accordance with ITIL standard.
A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.
The tool is also suitable for documenting these.
Customer service, customer care and experience are more than just keywords - they are the focus of all our company's activities.