Unified SAP support to ease the way to the cloud
Access to Customer Success Experts
Trust consultants with excellent knowledge of SAP software. They provide you with the necessary support at every stage of your transformation.
Any support request that we receive will only be completed after positive feedback from the user. The solution of each problem serves as the basis for another knowledge base entry for this project / solution.
Architecture design of high-performance and diverse IT landscapes
Scope of SAP AMS services: The following services are included in SAP Application Management Services, among others. These can of course be expanded and customised as needed.
Mainly the internal IT staff take over the maintenance, which could instead also push the further development of their own digital processes and applications. A resource conflict is inevitable. Especially if your company is also taking the first steps towards digital transformation and wants to switch from the SAP ECC ERP system to SAP S/4HANA in the near future.
A useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available for SAP Support employees.
For training in the rollout phase, the above documents and records proved very helpful.
Even after the project, the same consultant or consultant who also implemented the project will be happy to support you as you already know your environment, customising and developments.