Which comprehensive service we offer you
Where is the app in SAP ONE Support Launchpad?
We operate globally, the quality of our services is world class. This is confirmed by numerous references from all over the world. We will gladly present them to you on request.
The SAP Support homepage is a platform for the in-house information exchange on SAP reporting. Knowledgeable information related to SAP is presented centrally on this homepage. In addition to the training documents and SAP Online Help and SAP News, account management information such as technical support forms and contacts will also be provided.
Continuous deployment approach monitored with DevOps
Running SAP as your main business tool can be a huge challenge for your internal IT department, especially if you are an SME. In order to meet the ever-changing requirements of your company, you need employees with a wide range of expertise in various modules of SAP software. Recruiting and sustaining such talent can be difficult and costly, especially given the industry's lack of SAP skills. There is a solution: SAP Application Outsourcing from Axxis Consulting. We can help you as an extended branch of your internal IT department. Our service package covers all aspects of SAP support and can be tailored to your specific needs. By working with Axxis, you can increase productivity and quality, focus on your core business, and deliver reliable support services to your end users at potentially significantly reduced cost.
We already offer AI- and Machine Learning-based support tools such as Automatic Translation to automatically translate SAP Notes and SAP Knowledge Base Articles. Built-in support and the digital support assistant will also become an integral part for our users. Customers want seamless support no matter where and on which device, and no matter what "channel". The intelligent merging of all channels, including mobile devices and social media, will give customers multiple ways to access support. Our vision is to have omnichannel access to our support, and to continue to develop new tools and pioneering solutions in co-innovation with our customers. Support will become more proactive and identify critical situations at an early stage - support will be delivered to the customer, not vice versa. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will further improve and simplify the support experience for customers, making the answers both faster and better. Intelligent ALM tools will provide fully automatic performance. We are constantly on the ball - our customers can expect a lot of innovation in SAP support in the future.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", a tool is available to help your SAP support with troubleshooting.
Simplify your implementation with service and support packages and co-innovate with us to develop pioneering business models.
Contract analysis - result: Learn how SAP defines contractual terms and conditions and usage rights, and how you can mitigate risks based on SoftwareONE's Market Intelligence.