Create SAP HANA system replication levels
Detailed checks for critical order contents
The Migration Monitor: is a standalone tool implemented in Java, takes over the management and control of the R3load processes, is downward compatible. Use the latest Migration Monitor version of the highest release!
The number of R3load processes to be started in parallel is specified in the {ex|im} configuration file. The Migration Monitor stores the state of the export or import process in the {ex|im} file. For each package being processed, there is a = line.
Technical system copy for the upgrade
With TM-TMS, an SAP add-on is offered that largely automates manual user interventions during a system copy and thus relieves the developers/customizing users. Cross-user developments are processed in one package, ensuring consistency. The entire process consists of three areas.
With the entry into force of the GDPR, the topic of system copies has been expanded to include the aspect of anonymization: In many cases, personal or other sensitive data is operated on non-productive systems that usually have lower security levels and also allow access for those persons who are not normally allowed to work with GDPR-relevant data (eg developers or external consultants). For this reason, when defining the processes around system copy and, if necessary, also when selecting tools for automation, care must be taken to ensure that these also map data anonymization in accordance with the GDPR.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" any tables can be saved and restored. This is especially useful in the context of an SAP system copy - quite a few tables are system-specific and must exist unchanged in the system after a system copy.Shortcut for SAP Systems uses R3trans - a utility from SAP that is essentially used in the Transport Management System (TMS) environment. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" it is now also available outside the TMS and enables completely new and diverse application possibilities. Among others in the environment of a system copy. R3trans works database independent. I.e. even in the case of a system refresh from an SAP system with an Oracle DB to a system with HANA, the backup and restore process works!
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
In order to have up-to-date data and exactly the same software versions on an SAP test system for meaningful tests as are active on the production system, the production systems are regularly copied completely to the test system.
The tables to be copied can only be determined on the basis of the date.