Shutting Down the Target System
Food for thought for another productive system: until when must the system be identical, keyword: transaction log
Packages that have not been explicitly assigned a special DDLORA file receive the DDL file specified via the "ddlFile=" parameter. The default is DDLORA.TPL.
Strategy as of NetWeaver 2007: Prerequisite: in the case of a Unicode conversion, conversion must be performed during export. If the target database can be built with unsorted unloaded data, all packages are automatically unloaded unsorted. R3load ensures that tables that must always be unloaded sorted are unloaded sorted.
Ways of SAP system copy: export / import
Innovative test data management provides realistic, relevant and secure test data. With this data, companies are able to decisively accelerate and qualitatively improve their development and change processes and make testing and training scenarios affordable. For example, it is possible to automate quality assurance processes and successfully introduce new business functions without a costly and time-consuming SAP system copy. Software development can also be accelerated. The test data software always ensures that tests are carried out particularly thoroughly.
An SAP system copy is an important part of a company's IT operations, as it helps reduce the risk of data loss. However, it is important to regularly schedule and monitor the creation of system copies to ensure that a working copy of the system is available in the event of an emergency.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", tasks in the area of SAP system copying are simplified and can also be automated via the command line interface.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
In a system copy, the approaches are as colorful and varied as the philosophies of the administrators.
It can also be used to export certain data from the database and import it into another system.