SAP system copy Technical system copy for the upgrade - SAP Corner

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Technical system copy for the upgrade
Efficient options for SAP system copies
Administrators and SAP maintainers in the x86 world under Windows and various Unix derivatives can nowadays choose from a wealth of software solutions for system support. In contrast, administrators in the System i world and SAP support staff in this environment are often left to their own devices. Nevertheless, the special system architecture and the peculiarities of the DB2 database integrated in the operating system, as well as the specific applications, also pose challenges for system tool developers.

The database import can be performed using various tools. Sapinstaller provides a working way to import the database cleanly.
SAP Landscape Copies
Suitable tools make it possible to automate and accelerate the necessary creation of true-to-original SAP system copies, for example. This means that you have all production data available on your test system in a short time.

The guideline that integrated job logic is preferable to customizing has also proven its worth. The key point here is that each step of a copy job knows the overall context, including the steps that preceded and follow it.

Powerful and sophisticated automation tools for the creation of SAP system copies provide a remedy here and, in addition to time and cost savings, demonstrably also make it possible, for example, to increase the process quality in system copying or to maintain it at a consistently high level. In effect, they free up SAP Basis. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", you can sustainably relieve your administrators of the time-consuming routine activities of an SAP system copy.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

SNP's "Data Distillery" can either write extracted data directly into the tables of the target system via RFC or generate an export file that can be imported into target systems multiple times.

Prepare SAP system/instance, undo preparation.
SAP Corner
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